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5 Payment Processing Industry Updates
In this day and age, technology is a very popular, fast growing advancement that continue to develop each day. With this technological...
mPOS Creates New Business Gateways
The manner in which sales are generated is changing due to mPOS also known as mobile point of sale. Although, the construction of sales...
How Small Businesses Can Accept Credit Cards
Every person makes a payment with some sort of credit or debit card, recognizing it is not always easy to pay with cash. Every business...
Wearable $$$
Who would have thought that money could be worn in the form of a watch or a fitness tracker, located on the wrist. The appearance of this...
Customer Service: A Lot More Significant Than You May Think
Think about it…a majority of your business marketing strategies involve email campaigns, social media engagements, blogging, paper...
Why your website needs to be Mobile-Friendly
As technology continues to grow and improve each and everyday, it is important to recognize this astounding movement that is right before...
10 Reasons Why WE Make Your Business Life Easier
You’re a busy business owner that doesn’t have a lot of time on their hands, but are looking to partner with a payment processing...
Selfie Pay?!
The payment industry is transforming in more ways than anyone could imagine. You can now pay bills by snapping a picture of your face....
Verifying Chip-Enabled Debit Card Transactions
Walmart filed a lawsuit against Visa in May in the New York Supreme Court. Walmart is suing on this matter due to Visa not allowing their...
So, What Exactly is a Bitcoin?
History of Bitcoins and What They Mean Today Bitcoins are regarded as the world’s first decentralized currency and were first...
Clover™ Mobile (Part 3)
Clover TM Mobile. Built for businesses going places. Last in our Clover™ series is the Clover™ Mobile. There has been talk about mobile...
The Clover™ Series (Part 1)
Maybe you have hear the buzz about Clover™er, maybe not. But Clover™ has hit the market with a big bang! Clover™ has expanded their...
Making Your Store as Great as E-Commerce
We know that e-commerce websites have been on the rise - but we also realize that brick-and-mortars are still just as important. The best...
Cash Advance: The Alternative to Company Credit Cards
So your business is in need of a remodel and equipment replacement. Pronto. As in all of your equipment has failed and you need to...
Should You Give Up the Brick-and-Mortar?
For a while now we’ve been talking about the current and future status of brick-and-mortars. While we’ve decided they’re certainly not...
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