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4 Ways to Protect Your Business by Identifying Scam and Fraud Card Transactions
As digital technology continues to advance in amazing leaps and bounds, our financial lives become more streamlined and functional every...

5 Ways to Protect Yourself Against Credit Card Fraud: Part Two
It’s of the utmost importance to us that your credit card information is kept safe. To help you combat this, we’ve compiled 5 more ways...

5 Ways to Protect Yourself Against Credit Card Fraud: Part One
Credit card fraud is becoming more and more prevalent in today’s age. Thieves are becoming smarter and more innovative with how they...

Encryption and Government Access
The previous months have had a lot of talk about when the government gets to step in and rule over any company’s right to protect their...

Credit Cards in Real-Time
With all of the fraud that is out there these days - especially credit card fraud - it’s easy to see how real-time notifications and...

Europay, MasterCard, Visa - Part 2
Now that we better understand the process it’s going to take to get nationwide acceptance and practice of EMV compatible terminals, let’s...

Europay, MasterCard, Visa - Part 1
That’s what EMV stands for - the three companies that created this whole standard that - while still not even a year old in the United...
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