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Clover App Updates: What Should You Have on Your Clover This Month?
The Clover app market has a growing collection of hundreds of apps that are able to be seamless integrated into any business through any...

Why Accept Credit Cards?
Your business can gain great advantages by accepting credit cards from your customers. There are a significant amount of benefits that...

E-Commerce and Your Customers
In our last post, we discussed the perks of e-commerce for businesses. However, there are other people that benefit from the use of...

PCI Compliance: Security at Its Finest
When it comes to gaining and retaining customers, security is a determining factor for many individuals. PayHub Payments’ security...

Dan's Processing Tips
It can be beneficial to hear tips about using payment processing equipment or functions, as well as learn more about what Payhub can do,...

Can the Clover Be the Next Addition to Your Business?
Whether you just want to treat your company to a new upgraded system or it’s time for a new helper to make payment processing easier in...

Preparing Your Business in the New Year
When it comes to New Year's resolutions it’s not only good to make some for yourself, but can be very useful if businesses make them as...

Staying Out of Debt: Part 2
Easing the struggle of debt, even in the smallest way, is a main priority for many people, but this is not always the easiest feat to...

Staying Out of Debt: Part 1
When it comes to debt, everyone wants to stay far away. Debt can be a huge debilitating force in your life if accumulated, so it’s best...

Uber for Package Deliveries? What Exactly is Roadie?
The new innovation for fast package delivery is here and it’s in the form of a mobile app called Roadie. Roadie is the first-on-the way...

Amazon's Newest Venture: Amazon Go
How would you feel if you walked into a convenience store where you didn’t have to wait in line and there was no register or check out...

How To Get Your Customers Engaged
Customer engagement is an important part of any company. It helps the business receive feedback, brand loyalty, awareness as well as a...

Industry Update: PayPal Business
During the busy holiday season, the digital market is booming for shoppers now more than ever. Paypal discovered that consumers...

Prepare Your Business for the Holidays - Part Two
With holidays being such a significant time for businesses, we wanted to provide 5 additional ways that we think will help any company in...

Prepare Your Business for the Holidays - Part One
Making sure your company is ready for the hectic holiday season is crucial. No business wants to be lagging behind, and all companies...
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