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Reassuring Your Customers’ Safety Concerns
The biggest concern customers have nowadays regarding payments is the safety of their information. With technology advancing at such a...

10 Reasons PayHub's Service is Like No Other
1. PayHub takes you to the 21st century with e-commerce. As e-commerce continues to grow as a popular option for businesses, PayHub can...

Why Should You Be PCI Compliant?
PCI compliance is a term that is used quite frequently, but many don’t understand the importance of it. PCI compliant is a term created...

The Best Ways to Protect Against a Data Breach
As data breaches and malware increase globally, it can feel like no company is safe, with even large chain franchises being targeted....

Tips for E-Commerce Conversion
Having an e-commerce website provides many advantages for a business. But being able to sell those products online is not the easiest...

What are SRED and Open Protocol?
Earlier this week, we discussed the Ingenico iCT250 which is PCI PTS 3.x certified and has SRED and Open protocol modules, but what do...

What are the Benefits of EMV for Your Business?
When it comes to EMV and the smart technology that is equipped within it, EMV, also known as EuroPay, MasterCard, Visa is becoming more...

PCI Compliance: Security at Its Finest
When it comes to gaining and retaining customers, security is a determining factor for many individuals. PayHub Payments’ security...

Encryption and Government Access
The previous months have had a lot of talk about when the government gets to step in and rule over any company’s right to protect their...

Credit Cards in Real-Time
With all of the fraud that is out there these days - especially credit card fraud - it’s easy to see how real-time notifications and...

Europay, MasterCard, Visa - Part 2
Now that we better understand the process it’s going to take to get nationwide acceptance and practice of EMV compatible terminals, let’s...

Europay, MasterCard, Visa - Part 1
That’s what EMV stands for - the three companies that created this whole standard that - while still not even a year old in the United...

Why Fighting Fraud Means Being on the Edge
If you look around you'll see reports about how the EMV liability shift back in October 2015 started to take the fraud trend to online...
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