Industry Update: PayPal Business

During the busy holiday season, the digital market is booming for shoppers now more than ever. Paypal discovered that consumers frequently used mobile devices for their holiday shopping, but recognized a problem with this method. Believing their 14 million retailers were being bogged down by the digital world, PayPal just launched an app as a result to help fix this issue. The app, called PayPal Business, makes its objective to make the digital navigation process for business owners simpler, faster, and more on-the-go.
The app helps your business stay up to date on your company and customer activity along with providing the chance to send invoices. The PayPal Business app allows transfer of funds, transaction information, account balances, and more all at the palm of your hand. Your business can also access your customers’ PayPal information right on the app, including their transaction history, and allows them to import contacts all from their mobile phone screen. Invoices now have a neat feature that allows the owners to create, share and attach photos right from their phone. PayPal’s top priority was making sure this app was created right, no matter how long it took. Overall, PayPal is not only seeking to help their 14 million retailers, but are dedicating themselves to growing their business to new heights.