Why Have a Blog For Your Business? - Part One

Creating a blog can turn out to be a great asset for any company, no matter your industry. Blogs can provide many different insights over a range of topics that may not always be covered in the “About Us” section of your website. You can also repost relevant information from other industry experts and assert yourself as an educated innovator in your industry. A blog can also lead to a boost in business and have perks for your company.
Search Engine Optimization: Blogs are great ways to streamline content into the business world and new content is what search engines love. By posting new blogs on a consistent basis, you’ll have higher visibility on the internet. Frequent blog posts will allow your company to pop up on search engine results more because your blog stays updated, which is something search engines pick up on.
Create a Relationship with Customers: A blog is a wonderful channel to connect with your customers. It opens up different avenues for both you and your customers, allowing for feedback, reviews, and a space for conversation with the public. Your company can create an affinity with loyal customers as well as reach new ones through this medium. This is also a great outlet to get information out to your customers that you wouldn't really be able to communicate otherwise. Through a blog you are able to get feedback, provide company information, build trust etc. all by publishing regular posts. Relationship booster!
Be a Leader: Everyone wants to be a leader in their industry and this is a way in which you can establish yourself as one. Contributing expert and influential information is a valuable component to put you ahead of the game. If people trust in your company's abilities, you can progressively become the business that people turn to as being a primary resource for help or useful content, which can lead to increased customer conversion rates. Higher customer conversion rates are always significant, but it is especially important for small businesses in order to achieve credibility.
Create Connections: Tapping into a more personable side with your consumers is key. A blog allows a business to relate with consumers and give advice that can be beneficial on a more personal level or a more analytical basis. You can show the industry what your business is all about, your vision, standards, personality, among other things.
Encourage Sharing: Each time you create a blog, it frees up a new direction that your content can be taken. Satisfied or impressed consumers may share your blog with whomever they want, opening many new doors. Blogging is a free marketing strategy that grants consumers the opportunity to use all different social media channels to share your company’s blog, whether they pin it, tweet it, repost it, email it. Shares are also beneficial because of personal connections to the person doing the sharing, similar to word of mouth. If someone trusts the opinion of the person sharing your post, they are more likely to be intrigued by the post because someone they respect has validated its content. Shares will also spread the word to new potential customers that may not have even heard of your company before.