What is Subscription Commerce?

Subscription commerce is a subscription model that involves a customer paying a certain subscription fee in return for a recurring product or service. No, subscription commerce is not exactly new, but it is making an expansion into new markets and becoming increasingly popular for both consumers and business owners. Subscription services enable repeat purchasing behavior without having to influence the consumer to buy again, while also providing a consistent source of revenue for businesses. Consumers also love the surprise, popularity, mystery, and savings factors that come along with subscription commerce.
Subscription boxes are a popular model, usually offering a handful of varying items per box at an unchanging price. One of the reasons consumers love this type of model is because of the surprise element of the items. Consumers also love relishing in the fact that they are acquiring products or services that are much more expensive than what they pay for the subscription fee. Businesses are able to gain customer loyalty, anticipated demand, customer retention, small overhead, brand awareness and more with subscription commerce.