PayHub Q&A with Taylor: The Holidays!

The holidays are here, so to keep with the holiday spirit we asked our team about their traditions, holiday favorites, and more! Next up is our newest team member, Taylor, our administrative assistant!
Favorite holiday movie? A Christmas Story
Which holiday(s) do you celebrate in the winter months? Christmas and New Years
What’s on your wish list this year? Boots and ski supplies
Snow: can’t wait or dreading it? Right now I am super excited. That might change!
Favorite holiday song? Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree
Favorite holiday treat? Cookies and candy
Hot chocolate or eggnog? Hot chocolate
Does your family have any holiday traditions? They seem to change every year at this point
How are you decorating for the holidays? Christmas tree, stockings, and Christmas candles
Candy canes - yum or yuck? Yum
Favorite seasonal activity? Skiing and sledding
Gingerbread or sugar cookies? Sugar cookies