PayHub Team Q&A: The Olympics!

With the winter olympics finally here, it seems that is all anybody is talking about. We all have some memory of the Olympics, whether its a childhood hero getting a gold medal or a huge upset, so we decided to ask our team a few questions about the Olympics!
Taylor, Administrative Assistant:
Do you have favorite Olympic athlete?
I would have to say Michael Phelps. He’s one of the best athletes ever and he keeps winning records; It’s so fun to watch.
What’s the most interesting sport for you to watch?
In the summer it’s probably swimming and gymnastics. For the winter games it’s figure skating.
Which do you prefer: winter or summer Olympics?
They’re both really fun to watch but I would probably pick the Summer Olympics.
If you had a career as an Olympic athlete, what would your sport be?
I would probably pick skiing because it’s the only sport I do.
Most memorable moment in Olympics history that sticks out for you:
The US Women’s gymnastics team from the 2016 Olympics were such a powerful and charismatic group. They were so talented and watching them win medals was really fun!
Austin Peterson, Founder
Do you have favorite Olympic athlete?
I don’t really have a favorite. Each athlete makes their own mark and with an abundance of many inspirational stories and successes - it’s hard to choose just one!
What’s the most interesting sport for you to watch?
Which do you prefer: winter or summer Olympics?
If you had a career as an Olympic athlete, what would your sport be?
Most memorable moment in Olympics history that sticks out for you:
It’s probably from the 2008 Olympics in Beijing when Michael Phelps took home 8 gold medals.
Dan Robbins, Operations Manager
Do you have favorite Olympic athlete?
I really don’t
What’s the most interesting sport for you to watch?
I like the bobsled and luge
Which do you prefer: winter or summer Olympics?
If you had a career as an Olympic athlete, what would your sport be?
Most memorable moment in Olympics history that sticks out for you:
Definitely watching the Jamaican bobsled team when I was growing up