National Employee Day

It's National Employee Appreciation Day!
March 1 marks the official National Employee Appreciation Day. No matter if it's today, or random days during the course of the year, taking a little time to stop and acknowledge your team matters so much. An interesting study was done by CareerBuilder that found 50% of employees would stay if they were tangibly recognized. It's an interesting statistic that we should dive a little deeper into.
What does "recognized" mean to your employees? Each person may have a different answer. Perhaps someone just likes a verbal pat on the back, someone else may look for it in the form of a gift, while another employee may want to be presented an award. Understanding the best way to appreciate your employees one at a time will make a huge different in the long run.
While you're figuring that out, why don't you let your team know how much you truly appreciate them with this simple and to the point free printable.
Let someone know they've done some pretty AWESOME things lately. ☺️